Friday, March 23, 2012

On the Pochade box

The Loner - progs

Steps in the process.

What! This is not a watercolor!

I went off the reservation this time and did a quick little oil painting just for fun.

Title: The Loner

8" x 10" oil on canvas board. I was trying the new Winsor and Newton water-mixable oils.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Thursday, March 8, 2012

De un hombre pobre rancho.

Watercolor on Arches 140lb paper. 10"x14".

As I travel the Southwest, I am continually drawn to these simpler structures and lifestyles of their owners. I say that I like to paint places where I would be comfortable living. Gimme a stack of firewood, maybe a dog. A paid-for pickup truck...and I would be in heaven.

Art notes: I was working with a very limited palette, here. 3 colors: Burnt Sienna, Olive Green and Van Dyke Brown. Just because.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

"GEE and HAW"

Watercolor - 6" x 8" on Arches Paper
There comes a time in the birth of a painting that I call the point of no return. It is either going to "make it" or flop. I was almost there on this one and was about to chunk it to the art gods. So I put it aside and when coming back to it...a new-found enthusiasm polished it off with a touch of whimsy and vehement brush-work.
Gee and Haw are commands taught to driving-horses or mules.
Gee means turn right and Haw, the left.